Catching up a little. I was just going to start off with where we are but looking back at pictures I want to remember lots of this stuff that I never blogged about. So here goes :) Jackson did soccer last fall. These are some of what soccer was all about. Here is his team. He was in a lot of trouble right before I took these pictures so he's trying his hardest to smile!

I cant remember the boy next to Jack. The front row is Talmage Jenkins (left), Max Mathie, and Kennedy (not sure his last name). Max is in Jacks kindergarten class, and super good friends! Joseph Lowry was also on the team but he missed this night we took pictures.

He's right there to defend the goal!

Max and Kolette are so cute and loved playing together.

We think Jackson was born to be a golly. He would try his hardest to get in the middle of the game but always ended up running back to defend the goal. I think he's a little shy like his mom.

Max loves soccer and loves getting the time to play with friends and dad. He LOVES soccer season.

This was Janie at most games, eating snacks in her stroller. She couldn't walk then so it was easy to keep her in the stroller!