So Jack turned 4 on the 16th, and celebrated with a Pirate party. Pete left for the Dominican Republic on the 15th and my mom came on the 14th, so we went to pizza at Deweys that night and opened presents before Pete left the next day. I cant find Jack pictures of that night but he got lots of goods, including nerf guns, camera, a game, a Leapster, Pete made him a book shelf, and other great stuff!! Then on his birthday my mom took him shopping and got him a couple games for the Leapster (from g and g Mecham). Pete was gone for 10 days and it was so great to have my mom here to keep me company. We had a blast! Then she stayed for a whole extra week and just left today. Its so hard when she leaves but she gets to come pretty often which is SO SO great!! Here is the Pirate party... it was pretty much chaos, but Jack loved it so that's what matters most! My mom went a little/a lot overboard to make it a great party, thanks so much mom I know Jack LOVED it!! So he had the party on the 23rd. We tried to play games but none of them worked so went to presents and then cake. Then they broke the pinata which was a hit!! I only put a few pictures up cause there were a lot and I'm tired of waiting to download. After that they went on a treasure hunt to find a chest full of loot bags. Then it was time to go! We were pooped!! I'm probably going to be like my mom was with us and just do parties every 4 years cause its a lot of work and can we just say how spoiled Jack was!! He doesn't need that every year... right?!!

Oh and they were supposed to come dressed like a pirate, so they were super cute!!

The pinata fell on the floor so a few took hits to it on the ground, love this one of Jack Heaton. He really got into it. Then we were able to get it hung back up for a few more hits. I finally broke it and the kids dove for the goods.

What a cute pirate!! His friend Finn was talking to me while I was putting a tattoo on Jack and Finn asked where Jack was. He totally didn't recognize Jack with the hat and wig. So cute!

Cute Pirate cake, but during the night it split right down the middle, oh well!

We also took cupcakes (muffcakes is what Jack calls them) into his preschool class. He loved that!

Oh my sweet Max! Cant believe he is 11 months. WOW is all I can say. He is amazing, so sweet and so stinkin cute! His hair is growing (kinda a mullet) and red red red, I LOVE IT!! He sleep like a dream and is almost always happy!! He was great with my mom, it took a couple days to really warm up to her. He is pretty much a daddy's boy. If Pete is around he wants to be with him, kinda sounds like Jack... where's my mama's boys? Oh Pete loves it!! Big news for Max... he broke is first two teeth on the 27th. The only day he was grouchy and I thought maybe he is finally teething and my mom stuck her finger in his mouth and was like " He's got two teeth!" Funny huh! At least he broke them both at the same time, he's a late bloomer with the teeth but that's okay I love that gummy smile!

My mom seeing if it was a good time for a photo shoot, and obviously Jack had other plans. We didn't get very many great ones but that's okay I'm just glad we got what we did. She bought them matching red sweaters and they look so cute in them even with Max's red hair. I was skeptical about the red but thinks its pretty cute.

I wanted to show that Max's hair can be curly, but really just when its wet. He LOVES his bath... of course most kids do. Here's some of the funny faces of Max.

Oh Jack got these super cute jammies from grandma for his birthday too.

Some sweet ones with gram.

Some crazy hair he has!! I probably should put my haircutting skills to work on him, but I cant bring myself to cut it! I know when I do I'll wonder why I didn't do it sooner, but until then I'll just love the craziness!