We headed to one of the worlds best beaches, Siesta Key beach in Sarasota Florida. It was only about three hours away and so worth it! We got there Friday night about the time the sun was setting. It was so beautiful! We went to St Armands beach Friday night and there were tons of shells. Jack and Max were having so much fun gathering all they could.

Mom I think you'd like all the birds! :)

Jack's collection.

Saturday morning we headed to Siesta Key. Not as many shells and the sand was seriously like powdered sugar. The sand was cold and never got hot. This is how we saw Janie most the day, just her hat, because her head was down eating the sand! Little stinker, it was so hard to stop her.

He first mouthful. I haven't gotten any sandy diapers yet so maybe she got a lot less then we thought.

Another mouthful :(

Jack found a hermit crab and played with it most the day. He put it in a bucket after a while and caught little fish for the crab to eat ;) He drew the quite the crowd all day long with that crab.

I love the way Janie is just relaxed leaning on Pete. She is becoming quite the daddy's girl!

Here's the crab.

I love the beach. It never gets old and the kids just entertain themselves all day long!

We buried Max, which he loved until Janie started pulling his hair.

We left and got cleaned up and headed to get something to eat and then back to the beach for the sunset. The kids were so tired and getting grouchy but we wanted to see the sun set one more time, its so beautiful!! So we played while we waited.

Max was so tired but we gave him the licorice bag and that seemed to help. I love that he is sitting on the squishy football for a seat.

We wrote our names :)

Lots of birds, mom you'll love it!

I wish I could catch the real beauty in the camera, it was so amazing!

So.Jealous.I may have to take you up on that invite and come and visit sometime. It's suppose to snow here Friday. Soak up some rays for me and send them my way!! Love and miss ya Brit!
I think my grandkids are becoming beach bums! so fun can't wait, and hopefully jack and max will protect me against the birds
Yep. I'm officially jealous. :) What CUTE kids you have, I miss you guys!!
Hope you are doing great!
Hey Britt, sorry I never replied to your text! I have thought of you often since you moved, especially whenever I zone my feet or drink green drinks. Janie is getting so big! She looks like Max's little twin. I hope she is sleeping through every night for 8 hours and that you are getting much deserved rest! Love all the pics, and glad you are back on your blog now that you are settling in. We should talk soon. Call me when you have some time!
What a fun trip!! Your family is so cute!
Go Brittany!! Look at this posting you have been doing! Justin asked me if I saw your new posts and I said, "What!? Yay!" Very cute. Janie is getting so big!! How is she standing up and leaning on Pete in that picture at the beach? Can she really stand? So not ok with me. She is supposed to be little still so I can snug with her. So fun. Aren't you glad you are in sunny Florida while there are 3 inches of snow on the ground in Idaho? :) There are some big perks to the south!
wow! that looks like so much fun!! i want to go on a vacation so badly! janie is getting so big! i can't even believe it! :) cute little family
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