Pete's mom
Sharol came and helped me out while Pete was down from his surgery. It has been so fun to have her and such a blessing! We are so spoiled just to have her here, but here are a few more highlights of having her with us!

Jackson got a new bike for outside, and loves it!

He cant pedal yet (he's a little small for his age :)) So most of the time he was helping grandma push it.

She showed Jack and I how plant lots of things
veggies, herbs and flowers. Now lets just hope we can keep them alive and growing!

Here they are planting pumpkins and cucumbers.

These are for you Lisa, make sure you take your camera out when you start planting your garden and show us the bugs and worms H
allie and K
yden find!

Jack was
loving all the worms we were finding and wanted us to keep digging and find more! I was totally grossed out, but if I want him to kill spiders and bugs for me I figure I need to let him play with them so he's not afraid of them like myself.

This is by my front door, so pretty huh! I love
gerber daisys!

My beautiful flower bed! Thanks again mom! We love them!!

This is the garden box well now the herb box. We planted peas on the ends and then yummy herbs in the middle. I have basil, cilantro, roman
cammomile, parsley, thyme, lemon balm, sage, and peppermint. Cool huh!

Making wishes at the wishing well :)

This is the door at the
Kirtland Temple.

Jack was pretty naughty in the temple so he and I came out and enjoyed the sun and flowers while grandma took the tour.

Silly little guy!
Grandma we had so much fun with you and wish you were still here! Thank you for all you did for us and the fun time we were able to spend together!! Come back soon!! We love you!!