We wanted to write down a few of the silly things Jackson does now. We are amazed at how fast he catches onto things and how much we are laughing all the time at him! He is such a happy boy, when he's well rested, which unforunatly isn't always the case:(
- If he starts crying right away he says one of two things, either "blow my nose" or "I'm so sad first." I'm not sure where the first thing started but now its always "I'm so sad first , or I'm so happy first, or I'm so fast first, or I'm so hungry first" the list goes on and on!
- We have some wonderful friends out here and Jackson loves them too. Our friends Adam and Hollie Hurst are really kids at heart. Well one day Adam goes "Haa Haa Haa thats so funny" in this deep voice and now Jack says it all the time. One night after he was in bed, but not asleep yet Pete and I heard him talking to himself and then came the "haa haa haa thats so funny." We were busting up laughing!
- One day coming home from the gym we were walking to the car and some birds were chirping and I said " Do you hear that Jack, they are saying "hi jack, hi jack, hi jack."" So now he askes me all the time "You hear that?" For whatever it may be he hears, but he also believes all the birds are saying "hi jack, hi jack, hi jack!"
Okay so I might be adding to this list because I cant think of any of the other things that really crack us up, but here are just some of the things Jack likes
- Alright I thought of a few more, Jack loves to dance and he used to shake it pretty good, but now he just loves to spin in circles. He gets pretty dizzy and most the time falls down, but right back up and doing it again!!
- One night Jack and I were at walmart and out of now where he was leaning over to see people behind me and asking everyone "You want a eckersize?" (exersize, is what he is trying to say but it comes out funny!) I was laughing and so he was trying harder and yelling it even louder at anyone passing by!! He loves to come with me and echersize and is always asking if I want to go eckersize. We think it's pretty funny!
- He love to read books! He has memorized alot of them
- He always want us to sing every book to him
- He loves to watch t.v while eating
- He likes to help pray
- He loves pizza, mac and cheese, peanut butter and honey/jelly sandwiches, grapes, strawberries, cheese, snacks(of course), hummas, chips, beans, corn and sometimes hamburger meat, waffles, pancakes, french toast, and CEREAL! So he's an okay eater, but not as great as I've seen.
- He's getting pretty independant. He has to undress himself, has to get up or in whatever he's supposed to get up or in to himself. Buckle everything himself, and on and on!