Sunday, June 29, 2008
New Nursery Teachers
Jack: Yeah.
Me: Who do you want to be your new nursery teachers?
Jack: Um, Jesus.
Me: Oh he'd be a good one huh!
Jack: Yeah, I want Jesus in nursery with me!
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Happy Anniversary!
Sunday, June 22, 2008
We have a new member in the family...

Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Getting new windows

Rocks or Sticks?
Me: "Jack grandma says Kyden really likes rocks, and I told grandma it must be a boy thing because you love rocks too!"
Jack: "I like sticks too"
Me: "I bet Kyden likes sticks too. Do you like rocks or sticks better?"
After a few seconds to think about it...
Jack: " I like sticks, yeah big one sticks!" (with a wide opened holy cow mouth)
So I guess when they play together Kyden can have his rocks and Jack can have his sticks.
Another Indians Game

Sunday, June 15, 2008
Happy Faters Day to the Fantastic Fathers in my life!!
Happy fathers day to Pete! You are such an amazing father and husband! I've been so blessed to have you in my life! I love that Jackson loves to be with you and always wants you when he wakes up in the morning! Thanks for loving us and being amazing. I know you learned well from your dad and I think he is pretty awesome too! Happy Fathers Day to all the wonderful fathers in my life! I love you!
Saturday, June 14, 2008
My Dad, My Hero!
Friday, June 13, 2008
Fun things happening
Jack has been saying "one minute" to Pete and I for everything. For example I'll say "Jack its time for dinner" and he says pointing his finger at me "mom I need one minute -k-". I think he picked this up because I have been trying to give him choices like wether to pick up his toys now or in five minutes, and for some reason he always wants one minute.
Jack hasn't caught onto the whole "why" word yet but instead of saying "what is that" to things he asks Pete or I " you know what that is" to everthing. He asks it to stuff he knows just to test us and see if we know what it is he asking about. I usually say " yeah I know what it is, do you?" He'll then tell me, or say no and I'll tell him. Anyway he's always asking us that about everything he see's.
We love him so much and have so much fun with him! He is growing and always coming up with funny things that make us laugh. He does have naughty times but mostly he's very happy and likes to have fun doing things with Pete and I and our friends out here!
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Batman Jammies
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Everything's Growing

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