Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Rocks or Sticks?

Jack and I are riding home from the store...

Me: "Jack grandma says Kyden really likes rocks, and I told grandma it must be a boy thing because you love rocks too!"

Jack: "I like sticks too"

Me: "I bet Kyden likes sticks too. Do you like rocks or sticks better?"

After a few seconds to think about it...

Jack: " I like sticks, yeah big one sticks!" (with a wide opened holy cow mouth)

So I guess when they play together Kyden can have his rocks and Jack can have his sticks.


grammie kim said...

i like sticks to jack! you are so cute, miss ya kiss's from grandma

derrickandlisadye said...

i bet kyden would like sticks too but he hasn't really discovered them yet. You two will have tons of fun together getting into all kinds of trouble. Miss you guys!!