Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Everything's Growing

I'm trying to keep the progress of all my growing plants for the family to see, so sorry if this is boring for anyone, because it is so exciting to me to have planted them and to see them grow!The flowers are all starting to bloom and look so nice, the best part is that they will bloom even more throughout the summer and look even better than they do now!!
The tomatoes are growing, and peppers, kale and spinach and even the carrots. YEAH!
Kale and Spinach
The peas are getting huge. The peppermint, cilantro, parsley and Sage are also getting really big. Mom what do I do, should I cut them down and start drying (the peppermint and sage?) We are trying to use the cilantro and parsley, I love that it keeps coming back even after I use some!
Even the pumpkins and squash are coming up! Hopefully we'll have a pumpkin or two for Halloween!
Carrots sprouting.


Ma and Pa Mecham said...


Jen B. said...

Look'in good Britt. At our old house we planted a beautiful garden and we were so excited to see the fruits of our labors. One day we noticed that a something chewed all the marigolds that surround our garden. Needles to say we only had a few carrots. So keep up the good work. Maybe one day I'll garden again.

Jess said...

Brit - Can I just say that i am very jealous of your plants. I have always wanted an herb garden...I planted a few things in some planters on my deck but nothing has come up yet. (I have probably killed them already!) Anyway, hope you guys are doing good!!

grammie kim said...

the peppermint you can cut and dry, wait till you get back home after the windows. I would set up a table in the attic, and put a white sheet on it, then lay out the peppermint stems & leaves (still connected) and cover with white paper towels. Its hot enough there that they will dry nicely. When they are dry, put them as whole as possible in either brown paper bag, or glass jars. You can also use fresh, use more fresh herb to make tea than dry. I use like 7-8 leaves in 2 cups water. Sage, I have no idea. way to go girls you are gardeners. Great grandma's thornton and moss are smiling down from heaven!!! and me here!! love and miss you more and most. kiss jack and hug pete for me!! love ya. mom

Peterson Family said...

Wow, wish I could garden like you! Everything looks so nice. We tried doing a garden one summer and it just turned into one big weed infestation--with a few veggies. And I'm jealous of your weather. It seems like it's been nice for you there (I could be wrong)and it has been awful here. We are lucky to spend one day outside a week! Oh well, hopefully that will pass and we will have a nice summer! It's so good to look at your blog and see what you are up to!

Brandi said...

Lookin beautiful. I still need to make my garden boxes. So I think I will garden next year.

derrickandlisadye said...

Britt I am so jealous. I love all the plants and herbs and your herb box. I just wish our weather would be so great that we could get everything planted. Who knows if it will even grow because the weather is so cold and the wind is 50 mph and blowing my lettuce to shreds. Be so grateful for the garden you have!! Love you, You are doing a great job!! Who knew you had such a green thumb.

Camille and Luke said...

I love the garden Britt!! And we're sooo excited about coming! I'm getting antsy on the tickets though... I wish Luke would just figure out when he wants to go!!! Maybe the baseball game will get him going! I can't wait to see ya!!! And of course I'll throw a party!!! It'll be the new cataloge too!!!! It comes out at the end of July! I'm excited to see Justin and Stacey!!! I'm soo glad you guys are friends!! I almost asked if you knew them in Dec when you were out, but I thought they went to Philly! What a small world! I'll have Luke call ya tomorrow! Camille

Shelly said...

Your garden is looking great!! I bet you can't wait to have some fresh veggies.